Cheyenne Sol Nova Unlimited Black 4.0
Cheyenne Sol Nova Unlimited Black 4.0
Expierience Unlimited Freedom
With the SOL Nova Unlimited, we have extended the incomparable features of the SOL Nova by adding the Responsive Mode and provided it with auser-friendly, rechargeable battery.
For the first time, we integrated the functions of a complete power unit into a tattoo machine, which is operated by a single button. The frequency is adjusted quickly and intuitively by holding this button while tilting the machine. This unprecedented, revolutionary operating concept can be experienced continuously, as the machine runs longer than the supplied spare battery needs to be charged.
Tattooing has never been easier, more intuitive or more free - an unlimited experience!
Available with 3.5mm or 4.0mm stroke
What is the difference between SOL Nova und SOL Nova Unlimited?
The SOL Nova Unlimited has a whole range of new features compared to the SOL Nova.
The SOL Nova Unlimited tattoo machine was expanded to include the highly respected responsive mode. A powerful battery provides the necessary power and the built-in 'Power Unit' makes an additional power supply unnecessary. Cable spaghetti is history.
What is the difference between steady mode and responsive mode?
The steady mode ensures mercilessly constant power transmission and stab frequency in all situations.
Responsive mode reacts to the surface tension of the skin and adjusts the hit and puncture frequency accordingly.
What kind of cable do I need for the SOL Nova Unlimited?
You don't need any cables for the SOL Nova Unlimited Tattoo Pen.
The built-in battery supplies the motor of the Unlimited Tattoo Pen with power.
How long does the battery of the SOL Nova Unlimited Tattoo Pen last?
The battery life of the SOL Nova Unlimited Tattoo Pen is approx. 5 hours with only 3 hours charging time.
How long is the charging time of the Cheyenne SOL Nova Unlimited Tattoo Pen?
The battery of the Cheyenne SOL Nova Unlimited Tattoo Rotary Pen needs about 3 hours to get fully charged.
Are there replacement batteries for the Cheyenne SOL Nova Unlimited Pen?
Two batteries are included in the scope of delivery. So you have enough power for your machine at all times.
While working with one battery, you can charge the other battery.
What is the stroke of the SOL Nova Unlimited tattoo machine?
Thanks to the stroke of optionally 3.5, 4.0 or 5.0mm (3 separate machines - non adjustable), the Cheyenne SOL Nova Unlimited is ideal for any style
What is the working range of the Cheyenne SOL Nova Unlimited?
Here Cheyenne Tattoo does not give any tension values. The frequency range specified by Cheyenne Tattoo for the SOL Nova Unlimited is between 25 Hz and 140 Hz.
Can the needle depth of the SOL Nova Unlimited Tattoo Pen be changed?
Yes, the needle depth of the SOL Nova Unlimited Tattoo Pen is infinitely adjustable.
- 0 - 4,0 mm SOL Nova Unlimited 3.5
- 0,25 - 4,25 mm SOL Nova Unlimited 4.0
Which SOL Nova Unlimited to choose?
3.5 - The Generalist - offers the perfect balance between lining and shading and is the all-rounder of this series.4.0 - The Specialist - guarantees the ideal balance between lining and color packing.